Do THIS Everyday For a Great School Year
One way to help make this school year one of the best is to make sure you keep moving! It’s no fun to sit around all the time, so find some ways to be active physically and stay healthy and happy.
Need some ideas?
Walking the dog, geocaching, speed cleaning (helping mom is always a plus), riding bikes, dance parties, games, games and more games.
Or you can do jumping jacks, wash the car for dad, or maybe help a neighbor with a project. There are so many ideas!
It’s really not important what you do but that you do something. God has designed our bodies to move and He asks us to honor Him by taking care of our bodies. God even says our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So if it’s important to God it should be to us!
Playing music while you work and play is also a great way to stay at it and keep moving. Check out Keys for Kids Spotify playlist called “Happy Dance.” I guarantee you won’t be able to keep still listening to this playlist!   Â
Music to Dance to
Need some more motivation? Print out Keys for Kids Crack the Code “Moving Card” to help remind you to move into the new school year. You gotta move!
On a computer, click to download and print the pdf