THIS Math Helps You Feel Better!


We can Crack the Code to a great school year by focusing on our blessings.  

School can be hard, right? There are a lot of things that can stress us out. Math, friendships, math, reading, writing…and did I mention math?

Obviously for me, math was the thing that stressed me out. But everyone has some sort of stress. And when we get stressed, we get grumpy, selfish, and generally unhappy.

Count your blessings

How does counting our blessings help? God has given us so many good things. When we start to remember that our attitudes shift from being “all about me” to being “all about God”.

Wow! That’s an amazing change that is totally in our hands. With God’s help, we have the ability to have a grateful heart no matter what is going on around us.  

So whether or not the school year is good or bad, we can praise God and have an amazing attitude by counting our blessings. Let’s keep our eyes on God!

Our last Crack the Code card this week is the “Blessing Card.” Print it out below so you have all five cards! We’re praying for you to have an incredible year as you learn and grow more like Jesus.

On a computer, click to download and print the pdf

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