Are We SURE Jesus is The Chosen One?
How do we really know that Jesus is the Messiah, the one that God had promised in the Old Testament to save not only the Jewish people, but the whole world?
Well, Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies from the Old Testament through His life and ministry here on earth!
Throughout this Easter, we'll be exploring some of these prophecies, where they are in the Old Testament, and how Jesus made them come true in the New Testament. Here are the first few Fast Facts about Easter!
How was Jesus like the Suffering Servant in the book of Isaiah?
Jesus showed that He is the Savior that God promised by fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament, like Isaiah 53:3-5 – This prophecy speaks of a suffering servant who would be despised and rejected, pierced for our transgressions, and punished for the wrong things we have done.
Jesus fulfilled this prophecy through his suffering and death on the cross, like we can read in John 19:34.
How did the abuse Jesus suffered fulfill Old Testament prophecies?
Jesus showed that He is the Savior that God promised by fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament, like Isaiah 50:6 – This prophecy speaks of a servant who is beaten and spat upon, and who gives his back to those who strike him.
Jesus fulfilled this prophecy through the physical abuse he endured during his trial and crucifixion, like you can read in Matthew 27:30.
Why was Jesus Silent at His Trial?
Jesus showed that He is the Savior that God promised by fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament, like Isaiah 53:7 – This prophecy speaks of the servant being led like a lamb to the slaughter, and not opening his mouth in protest.
This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus, who remained silent during his trial and did not defend himself against his accusers, like we can read in Matthew 26:63.
Who Took Jesus' Clothes After His Trial?
Jesus showed that He is the Savior that God promised by fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament, like Psalm 22:18 – This Psalm speaks of the Messiah's garments being divided among soldiers.
This prophecy was fulfilled when the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus divided his clothes among themselves. Read about it in John 19:24.
How did Jesus Rising from the dead on the 3rd Day fulfill prophecy?
Jesus showed that He is the Savior that God promised by fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament, like Hosea 6:2 – This prophecy speaks of the Messiah rising on the third day.
This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion, like you can read in 1 Corinthians 15:4.
Are you ready for more? Keep an eye on the What's Up blog all through Easter and keep listening to Keys for Kids Radio to see how else Jesus showed He is the real Messiah!