Would You Rather

Get Rid of Homework or Stop All the Tests?

Get Rid of Homework or Stop All the Tests?

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it! Today’s question: Would you rather have no homework or no tests for school? Vote for your choice and leave a voice message: 🎙 Open…

Gingerbread House or Christmas Cookies?
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Gingerbread House or Christmas Cookies?

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it! Today’s question: Would you rather build and eat a gingerbread house, or decorate and eat Christmas cookies? Vote for your choice and leave…

Real Tree Vs Artificial Tree!

Real Tree Vs Artificial Tree!

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it! Today’s question: Would you rather have a real Christmas tree, or an artificial Christmas tree? Maybe you want to creating something for your neighbors…

Start a SPACE Colony or Lead a COUNTRY?
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Start a SPACE Colony or Lead a COUNTRY?

Have you thought about what you’d want to do when you grow up? I’ve got a couple options that maybe you haven’t thought about: Would you rather start a new colony on a whole different planet like Mars, OR would you rather lead a small country here…

Talk to Any PERSON or Any ANIMAL?
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Talk to Any PERSON or Any ANIMAL?

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it! Today’s question: Would you rather speak any human language or be able to talk to animals? Vote for your choice and leave a voice…

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