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Get Rid of Homework or Stop All the Tests?

Get Rid of Homework or Stop All the Tests?

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it! Today’s question: Would you rather have no homework or no tests for school? Vote for your choice and leave a voice message: 🎙 Open…

The LARGEST Mammal in North America

The LARGEST Mammal in North America

“Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam…” Humming “Home on the Range,” you might picture tail-swishing herds of buffalo grazing on the plains of the American West. But buffalo don’t actually live in North America! You’re imagining bison—or, to use its scientific name,…

The Story so Good, They Told It FOUR Times in a Row!

The Story so Good, They Told It FOUR Times in a Row!

You know how there’s a bunch of “National Day of This” or “Something or Another Awareness Day”? Today is actually a pretty good one, it’s “National Tell a Story Day”! And of course, one of the best stories ever told is the story of Jesus’s life…

Choose Your Superpower VS Your Drawings become REAL

Choose Your Superpower VS Your Drawings become REAL

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it! Today’s question: Would you rather everything you draw becomes real or become a superhero with powers of your own choice? Vote for your…

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