Homework and Chores Too Boring for You? This App Makes It a Game
Is it hard for you to actually want to do your homework and your chores? The Wishfinity app lets your parents set up rewards for getting stuff done.
When you've done all your homework, finished your chores, or even just got to bed on time every night in a week, you can see what you’ve earned. Your parents can put their own “wishes” for what they want you to do, and you can get your “wish” by doing them.
Okay, maybe you're not a lumberjack, but chores are hard, you know?
If there’s a toy or a game that you really want to get, you could ask your parents to set it up as one of your wishes, and then you can work towards earning it.
So it’s kind of like taking your homework, mixing in some games, and adding in some motivation and voila! It’s fun to get homework done : )
Source: PRNews