
Gratitude A to Z

Let's not forget to actually be thankful at Thanksgiving. And really, we should be thankful every day! In the Bible it says “In every thing give thanks” (I Thessalonians 5:18). And that’s not just when things go our way or when we are happy but all the time. So let’s practice being thankful today so that no matter what comes our way we’re ready! Here are some fun ideas!

Gratitude Jar

Many people do their own different spins on the Gratitude Jar. All you need is a jar of some kind and slips of paper that you can write what you are thankful for on. Start it early so you can fill it up and share with the family at Thanksgiving.  

Gratitude A to Z

This game is a twist on the tradition of going around the table and everyone telling what you are thankful for. The first person must say something they are grateful for that begins with the letter A, the next gets B, and so on. Just hope you don’t get the letter “Q.” Anyone thankful for Quails? lol 😆

Thankful Tree

A Thankful Tree is an easy way to make being thankful into a fun family activity. You just need a few sticks and some paper to make this work. Or you can get really fancy with decorations too. It’s up to you!

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