Would You Rather: Read OR Speak Any Language?

Welcome back to “Would You Rather” Wednesday, where you pick what you want to do and why you want to do it!

Today’s question: Would you rather speak any language in the world but not be able to read it at all –or– be able to read any language but not speak it at all?

Vote for your choice and leave a voice message:

Some of our friends chose to speak any language:

“Chinese and Japanese, Russian, because they are the hardest languages to learn, and most of the people there need to hear about God.”

“I’m not sure of what language they speak in Tanzania, but whatever language they speak there that’s what I would want to be able to speak because we sponsor a child through the Compassion Center who lives in Tanzania and I’d really like to be able to talk to her if somehow got a chance to meet.”

And some chose to read any language:

“Spanish! Because my mom is Puerto Rican.”

“French. I’m not sure why but I’ve just always like the language.”

“Latin, Hmong and Russian.”

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