Never Give Up – Crack the Code Giveaway

How are you doing at Cracking the Code for a fantastic school year? We’ve talking about loving God and loving others, which comes right out of the Bible. Those are the two most important things for sure but we do have more tips to talk about. It all starts with having a plan.

Making a game plan really sends you in the right direction. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just pick 3 things that you want to accomplish and figure out baby steps to get you there. You don’t have to do it all in one day. In fact, the best way to grow is to work on projects a little at a time.

Do you want to learn to play the piano? You need to practice more days than you don’t. It may take a while but eventually you’ll discover that you can play songs!

Do you want to brush your teeth every day and night? If you keep at it soon it will be a habit that you won’t even think about. Yes!  

Do you want to get better at playing basketball? Shooting hoops in the driveway or at school every day will totally transform your game. Swish!

Do you want to know God more? Make a plan for Bible reading and prayer. Try having your quiet time at the same time and same place every day.

You get the picture. It takes perseverance, self-control and daily habits that you intentionally add to your day. You can do it! Don’t give up! And God will grow you into the person He made you to be. 

And the song for today is….Never Gonna Give Up by Orange Kids:

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