
Have You Found Any Painted Rocks?

The other day I was at the park with my nephews and we found a painted rock hidden on a statue, and we didn’t even know what it was. I did a little Googling later, and turns out that painting rocks and hiding them is a new game lots of people are playing! 

You can paint your own rocks and hide them too. When you find one you can keep it if you like it, or you can re-hide it somewhere else. So ready to get started? Ask Mom or Dad for help, and you'll need a couple things:

1. Flat, paintable rocks. You can usually find some in parks or on the shore of a pond. Just don't take any from someone's yard!

2. Paintbrushes

3. Acrylic paint

4. Paint sealer. If you don't have any brushes, paint, or sealer, ask Mom or Dad to pick some up at an art supply store like Hobby Lobby.

Clean off your rock so there's no dirt and it's dry, then paint it up! You can get as creative as you like. You can decorate it as a ladybug, a cartoon character, or your favorite football team. Then have your parents put on the paint sealer for you.

Now the next time you're at a park or hiking on a trail, find a good hiding place! But be respectful and don't hide a rock in a national park or state park, or on somebody's property. Don't forget, keep an eye out for rocks other people have hidden too! 🙂

Photo credits: Grand Rapids Rocks! via Facebook


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