Get to Know Jonathan, a Keybiter on Keys for Kids Radio

Meet Jonathan,

He comes into Keys for Kids Radio to record as a Keybiter. He likes to play a lot of active games and competitive games with his family.  Below are some fun facts so you can get to know him:

He really likes to build things, especially with LEGOs and building a bunch of different things. In fact, If he chose one place in the world to go, he would go to one of the big LEGOLand places.

Some of his favorite games to play other than sports are Monopoly and Risk.  He says that he likes them even though sometimes you have to be mean to get good things out of it.

His favorite animal is a tiger.  He thinks their stripes are cool, but ever since he was right by one with just a piece of glass in between him and a tiger, he's liked them. 


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